Changes in API gateway URL
The company will be a variable in the URL. The swagger has been adapted as follows:
- URL: https://psd2.api.{company}.be/psd2/v2
description: 'KBC/CBC/KBC Brussels PSD2 API server'
default: 'kbc'
- 'kbc'
- 'cbc'
- 'kbcbrussels'
Note: the current URL will become obsolete on 1 April 2021.
AIS Consent flow
The AIS consent flow has been adapted. It’s possible to post a consent request for multiple accounts at the same time. When signed by the customer, you’ll be provided with a single consent ID for all the accounts involved.
Release on Sandbox
Please note that the adapted Swagger and Sandbox will be available as of today for following functionalities:
- Post Single SCT-payment without Iban account
- Post Recurring Payments
- Get Recurring Payments Status
- Post Bulk Payments
- Get Bulk Payments Status
- Post AIS consent without IBAN account