Business Development Manager
CIB Vlaanderen (Flanders Confederation of Real Estate Professions) represents the Flemish real estate sector. With more than 3,000 members, including estate agents, property managers, promoters and experts, the Confederation benefits from a broad range of services, and is bolstered by an extensive network and advocacy at all levels. The collaboration between KBC and CIB has made the lives of estate agents much easier. Read CIB’s testimonial about how it expanded its services.
Making the lives of estate agents and tenants easier
Only available in Dutch.
Find out all about a digital one-stop-shop solution that instantly reduces administration, saves time, and boosts convenience and customer satisfaction when taking out rental guarantees and home policies.
Integration of rental guarantee and home policy
We started by looking for services that would save time and make things more convenient for our members, and be user-friendly for our members. It was essential to be able to fully integrate these services into RealSmart, our digital platform.
Estate agents can inform customers in just two clicks whether they have all the data they need to take out a rental guarantee. The tenant can open the rental guarantee in the digital KBC environment from any location – at work, home or elsewhere. After the deposit is made, the administration is complete for both the tenant and the estate agent, and the keys can be handed over straight away.
The KBC Home Policy follows the same simple process: after taking out the rental guarantee, the tenant can go immediately to the home policy in the KBC environment. The premium is calculated instantly based on the public data for the residence and the neighbourhood.
This service is safe, quick, digital and free of charge.
“By integrating KBC and its financial services into our members’ work processes, we have made the lives of our estate agents much easier. They now have more time to keep their end customers happy and provide an even better service by taking the pressure off their customers.”
Stephan De Witte, Operational Director CIB Flanders
User testimonial
Based in Sint-Truiden, Limburg, estate agent Katrien Wouters is full of praise at the fact that she can use the RealSmart platform to bring her customers into contact with KBC with the minimum of effort . From here, KBC can arrange a rental guarantee for them quickly and efficiently – with every step completed digitally .
“The platform’s ease of use makes it simple to involve my customers in the process. We can make their lives easier by putting them directly into contact with KBC’s financial products that they need at that point in time. It’s a genuine win-win situation. The reduced administrative burden enables me to do my work quicker, so both I and my customers benefit in the long run”, explains Wouters.
The sentiment is the same when it comes to completing the rental guarantee.
“It's a huge asset for KBC to be able to provide this digitally via RealSmart. My tenants no longer have to actually come to the office. The process is now so smooth that customers don’t even question it. For home policies, I do have the feeling that tenants take longer to think about it. After all, these are customers who have a relationship with their insurance broker, so they need a period to reflect on what is being offered. This isn't something I experience wtih rental guarantees”, asserts Wouters.
Would you like to know more about our integration options?
You will find an overview of the various business solutions and technical integrations on the KBC Developer Portal.