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PSD2: For the Account Information Service, the following changes will be implemented
- We can confirm that the causes of the problems mentioned belowed will be solved with our February release (27/02/2022):
- Showing 1 year account history with the application of SCA only happens when the payment service user requests for the first time online access to the account information of newly added accounts, but not when he has applied strong client authentication again after more than 90 days have passed since his last access.
- If the customer selects one or more account numbers in the KBC environment, the feedback to the AISP of the selected account numbers is erroneous
- The account information service was already possible for our retail customers and our business customers using the business dashboard. Our business customers will also be able to sign the authorization in the Mobile Business APP version 22.2.0 (Release 27/02/2022, available in apple Appstore and google playstore 22/03/2022).